Dustin Kiselbach

Web Developer

I'm a Full Stack Developer based in New York City. I work in TypeScript, Node, Python, and SCSS to make beautiful, functional websites and web applications. My current stack includes ReactJS, TypeScript, Styled Components, Redux, Express, and MongoDB.

Musician's Home- housing website

ReactJS - SCSS - AmazonS3 - NodeJS - ExpressJs

A Full Stack web application made for finding housing with other musicians. Renters can filter listings by location and find a place in the neighborhood of their choice. You can create your own listings and upload images, which are handled by Amazon S3. The back end is built with NodeJS, Express JS, and mongoDb, and the front end is built with ReactJS, and SCSS.

Activity Tracker- Activity Tracking App

ReactJS - SCSS - FramerMotion - VictoryChart

The Front End for an activity tracking web application. Users sign up and integrate with the Strava's Api to gain access to enhanced metrics. It features robust data visualization including a calendar with distance, activity time, and number of activities. The project is built with reactJS, and uses FramerMotion for transitions and VictoryCharts for data visualizations. It also features many custom UI components.

Reddit SyncR- Reddit Sync clone

TypeScript - ReactJS - Styled Components - Redux

Built for mobile, this is a Reddit Sync clone that runs in the browser. This app is an alternative way to view one of the most popular websites on the internet, Reddit. All the data is fetched from Reddit's robust api. It features custom transitions made with FramerMotion and Styled Components. The state is handled by Redux, and React's context API. Credit for the design goes to the Reddit Sync team.

Trivia Bunny- Trivia Game

ReactJS - SCSS - ExpressJS - NodeJS - Socket.IO

A trivia game that runs in the browser. Players can join a room with their friends and play against one another. The creator of the room can choose difficulty and number of questions. The back end is made with NodeJS, ExpressJS, and Socket.io, the front end is made with ReactJS, and SCSS.

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